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Ian Affleck (Vancouver)
"Majorana-Hubbard model in two dimensions"
Mohammad Amin (d-Wave)
"Observation of topological order in a programmable superconducting quantum processor"
Collin Broholm (Baltimore)
"The Quest for a Quantum Spin Liquid"
John Cardy (Berkeley)
"The TTbar deformation of quantum field theory and some applications"
Jean-Sebastien Caux (Amsterdam)
"Wires and chains: the dance of field theory and integrability"
Claudio Chamon (Boston)
"Non-Abelian topological phases in three spatial dimensions from coupled wires"
Sebastian Eggert (Kaiserslautern)
"The dynamic structure factor in impurity-doped spin-1/2 chains"
Ion Garate (Sherbrooke)
"Efficient algorithm for real-space parameter optimization in Majorana wires"
Domenico Giuliano (Calabria)
"Effects of a Majorana mode at a junction between a topological superconductor and quantum nanowires"
Masayuki Hagiwara (Osaka)
"Experimental verification of AKLT model and Affleck-Haldane conjecture for spin-1 1D antiferromagnets"
Bertrand Halperin (Harvard)
"Particle-Hole Symmetry in a Half-Filled Landau Level"
Catherine Kallin (McMaster)
"The Anomalous Hall Effect in Chiral Superconductors"
Brad Marston (KITP/Brown)
"El Niño as a Topological Insulator: A Surprising Connection Between Climate, and Quantum Physics"
Frederic Mila (Lausanne)
"Generalization of the Haldane conjecture to SU(3) chains"
Masaki Oshikawa (Tokyo)
"AKLT and beyond: Ian Affleck's contributions to 1D quantum many- body physics"
Rodrigo Pereira (Natal)
"Chiral fixed point and three-channel Kondo effect in Y junctions of Heisenberg spin chains"
Dmitry Pikulin (Santa Barbara)
"Charging energy of a Majorana Cooper pair box"
Nathan Seiberg (Princeton)
Eran Sela (Tel Aviv)
"Can one simultaneously measure entanglement and charge of many body systems?"
Pascal Simon (Paris)
"Exploring a quantum phase transition with a Kondo circuit"
Jesko Sirker (Manitoba)
"Transport in integrable lattice models"
Erik Sorensen (McMaster)
"Dynamics and Critical Scaling at the Superconductor to Insulator Transition"
Hal Tasaki (Gakushuin)
"Two extensions of the Lieb-Schultz-Mattis theorem for spin chains"
Steven White (Irvine)
"Critical behaviour in hydrogen chains from electronic structure calculations"